Final Chemo

Janny54 Member Posts: 89
Hi All

Well tomorrow I have my final chemo. When I think back to the first time I posted a comment how scared I was. Scared angry, upset. I still get angry about the things that I used to do but now can't cos I feel so damn tired. And I thought the tears would stop they have slowed down but I still can cry for no apparent reason. 

I have 6 weeks of Radiation to get through. Not sure when that begins I should find out tomorrow. I worry about that but I don't know why.

I would just like to say how much finding this site has helped me in the last 6 months. You are all so giving. I have learnt a lot. Mainly to take one day at time.

Thank you all.


  • Cynth6
    Cynth6 Member Posts: 189
    Congratulations on reaching your final day for tomorrow ! It's such a great feeling when you walk out on your final day. 

    I think its good to cry it out every now and then when needed. It'd be worse if you never cry and just bottle everything up. My crying slowed down too as time went on. 
    But tomorrow you have something to smile about ☺️

    Yes agree this site is fantastic. I like that I can post what I'm feeling and no one judges me and everyone knows exactly what I've gone through. 

    All the best for post chemo. From what most people have said, radiation is a lot better than chemo. 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there janny it's always a relief to get the last chemo out the way isn't it. Fingers crossed the radiation is much kinder to you. This site has been a great support to me too along with my awesome husband and kids. And it's ok to get teary still chemo can knock the shit out of you physically and mentally. And of course your going to be anxious about the rads, but like Cynth6 from what I've heard it's much nicer than chemo. From what I've read too lots of good moisturiser is needed. Take a look back or start a new post and the ladies on here will give you all the advice and support you need. I only had chemo so can't tell you much about the rads. Good luck lovey. You're nearly there. Margie ❤️
  • Shorelle
    Shorelle Member Posts: 80
    I managed 2 days without crying this week, in a row!  My life changed on 22nd May and its been too tough to handle.  Ive had a cough mow for 8 weeks stressing me too now but in saying that the kids have had it too and we keep giving it back so hoping thats all it is. 
  • Shorelle
    Shorelle Member Posts: 80
    Im ditching radiation and opting for a bi lateral mastectomy and recon.  Just to try and stresd that little bit less
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    That's what i did too. Waiting for the recon bit maybe you  an have an immediate reconstruction???   Either way thinking of you let us kmoe how you go lovey.  Margie ❤️
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited September 2017
    I can tell you I was still crying regularly right thtough chemo...sheer exhaustion was part of that at the end. But that is what I do when I'm  tired and stressed. I didnt have radiotherapy but from what I have read and been told by others most people find it a hell of a lot easier than chemo.

    So head held high my lovely tomorrow. got through. Didn't mean you had to like it.  Kath x

  • Mrs_H
    Mrs_H Member Posts: 107
    @Janny54 it feels surreal to be at the end of chemo. I just had my last one today. Sitting in the chair for the first time feels a life time ago and like yesterday. As for the crying, you do whatever you have to do to get through it. Hopefully the crying makes you feel better once it's finished, so it's still good for you. Letting it all go is good for the mind and soul. 

    Enjoy your "free" time before the next stage. Cheers, Jen.
  • lgray3911
    lgray3911 Member Posts: 207