Shopping Suggestions

Pebbz1981 Member Posts: 32
Hi all,

Does anyone have any online websites they can recommend for buying scarves, or headwear?

I have purchased a few from overseas websites but by the time you convert money and pay for shipping it works out a little pricey. I have made a few scarves as i can sew but just want some new different ones. I am a younger woman and like to match my hats and scarves to what i wear.

Thanking you in advance


  • Cynth6
    Cynth6 Member Posts: 189

    I bough a scarf and turban from the hat show and they're reasonably priced and good quality. 

  • Pebbz1981
    Pebbz1981 Member Posts: 32
    Thanks so much @Cynth6 , just had a look and they have some great styles. will be buying a few for sure.
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    EBay is good and a lot of times free shipping is available. Just search chemo headwear, also I bought some turbans from .
  • Pebbz1981
    Pebbz1981 Member Posts: 32
    Thanks so much @LMK74 , i have found a few sun hats on your suggested website i will be purchasing.
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    That's great. I paid the extra for express postage and it was here the next day. 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Pebbz1981 I used headcovers and bought a few different things, found them to be quite good.

    Melinda xo

  • Pebbz1981
    Pebbz1981 Member Posts: 32
    Thank you for the website suggestions, i have emailed a few companies asking for sizes, as i have a petite head , you dont know how small your head is untill you have no hair left. I find alot of the hats i buy dont fit, so i will see what they say and take it from there, but i am excited about buying some more styles and experimenting. I may aswell have fun with the situation.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @Pebbz1981
    Don't feel bad about a small head !  At school the standard hat size was 21 and I had to have mine specially made at 18 .. even getting glasses to fit is a struggle as my face is tiny and children's glasses are not suitable styles.
    Hugs  Summer  :-)
  • Melsie97
    Melsie97 Member Posts: 74
    Hi @Pebbz1981. I just bought normal scarfs, googled on YouTube how to tie tjem
    and off I went. I have two young boys, so ended up with Pokemon scarfs for them and a Wonder Women one for me. I also was given some inmy favourite colour green to wear. 
    Hope this helps.
  • PamelaP
    PamelaP Member Posts: 23

    I have been given a delightful bamboo fabric hat that looks good & is sooo comfortable, the brand is "Christine Headwear" & I looked up the Australian supplier here is the website to check it out : 
    They might also have a shop in your area
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    @Pamela Pearce i love my christine bamboo turban too. My sister gifted it to me. A bit pricey but I LOVE it and wear it all the time. So comfy and not too hot.