Hello, and another one recently diagnosed and starting on the journey

volunty Member Posts: 17
I'm in the whirlwind phase with recent diagnosis of BC and a lumpectomy on 31 July. Now scheduled for right breast mastectomy next Monday 21 August and frantically getting my head around reconstruction, recovery, chemo later, handover at work and just staying sane. Tumor is out clear and nodes are clear after the lumpectomy but a number of microscopic DCIS lurking nearby hence the mastectomy. Every 12 hours is a huge learning curve and accessing this forum, which I have barely dipped my toe into,  has already provided sane advice and counsel and I'm trying to deal with one thing at a time.  Many thanks to all the great women out there keeping an eye out for each other! 


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    @volunty Welcome to the site; as you can gather, we are all here helping each other along!  There are great resources and if you are floundering the wonderful support staff @BCNA will soon come on and help you out!

    What can I say, it's a so and so isn't it, but at least it's been found, they're getting hold of the lurkers and hopefully once you're through the next phase of surgery and pathology is confirmed your treatment plan will not seem so daunting.

    Take care and come on and ask anything, no question is silly, use the search bar up the top of the Discussions page and hopefully that will give you some info as well as. 

    All the best for the 21st

  • Carissa_BCNA
    Carissa_BCNA Member Posts: 252
    Hi @volunty welcome to the online network. You are definitely in the right spot to receive support and ask any questions you may have. I thought I would just jump in here and mention our My Journey Kit which includes an information guide as well as a personal record journal. More can be read here https://www.bcna.org.au/understanding-breast-cancer/my-journey-kit/. Feel free to contact us via this network or by phoning our Helpline if you would like to get in touch. 
  • Barney74
    Barney74 Member Posts: 89
    Hi @volunty welcome to this page .this group is amazing im only new to this aswell.hope all goes well for surgery x
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Welcome. I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using tissue expanders. Painful but recovery time reasonable of 6 weeks (including sentinal node). You may be able to go straight to implant. @socoda you may be able to give more info on this. 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Welcome @ volunty . There are many wise and wonderful women on this site who are willing to help with guidance , advice and support. - you are not alone.Ask away and many will step up to help plus there are heaps of earlier posts for your to look through - takes a while to learn how to navigate the site but so worth it.
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hello @volunty and welcome.  Sorry you find yourself here but as you have already seen, this is a great place to be for support and information.  I had a left nipple sparing mastectomy with an immediate implant 12 months ago.  I had a 12mm invasive ductal carcinoma which was picked up in a routine Breastscreen mammogram.  I had no idea it was there!  I had 3 lymph nodes removed and all were clear.  Because my cancer was grade 1, stage 1 and I had a mastectomy, I didn't need radiation or chemo.   I'm very happy with my decision to have an immediate silicone implant during my mastectomy surgery.  I had 3.5 days in hospital and needed a good 6 weeks to recover.   Most of the pain and recovery time came from the trauma to the pectoral muscle which was cut and stretched to allow the implant to be inserted.  One year on, the implant has softened and feels pretty natural (although numb).  
    There may be lots of options open to you Volunty, so I wish you good luck with your decision making.  We will all have stories to share but just do what is right for you.  All the best for 21st, please let us know how you go.  Jane xx
  • volunty
    volunty Member Posts: 17
    Very grateful to all responding. I see the surgeon tomorrow (pre-op) and have had the last three days, and this site, to help me formulate questions so that I can understand what my choices might be. I'll update when I can, the stories really help.    
  • Chanel
    Chanel Member Posts: 72
    Hi Volunty, it's not easy to deal with BC and all you can do try to calm the brain and the "what ifs" . The best possible outcome is what you want. You'll be in good hands , and as you can see this site is a saving grace. So many wonderful ladies always ready to help and share their journey. 
    I wish you the very best and sending you lots of healing and hugs for the 21 st.
    stay positive xxxxx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Woo hoo!  Over that hurdle, take time to rest
  • Barney74
    Barney74 Member Posts: 89
    Yah glad all went well .
    Rest up as much as possible x
  • nonkyboy
    nonkyboy Member Posts: 188
    Glad it all went well for you. Take care now to rest and recover x Lesley
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    So glad all going well. 
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Great to hear surgery is done and you are feeling OK.  All the best with your recovery and results.  Jane xx