Very worried waiting for Sentinel node Biopsy

Member Posts: 19 ✭
Hi all, I had my surgery (lumpectomy) in August 2. One sentinel node was removed and also 2cm tumour - I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in July. I have been experiencing never ending anxiety, I cried like a river since I was diagnosed, Im only 34yo with no family history of Breast cancer. My GP prescribed me diazepam but I try not to take it as Im afraid to be dependent on the tablets. I have an appointment tomorrow with my specialist to discuss the result of sentinel node biopsy and also the treatment that I require. I am very scared for tomorrow.
Hey @AA.
I'm nobody's angel when it comes to either pain relief or sedation when needed. Some stuff is just too hard to bear. There is a big difference between habitual use and treating an acute condition for a short period of time. I'll take a sedative on days that I know I'm going to be doing a lot of waiting, will be shuffled around hospitals, jabbed, starved and shoved into machines. I generally try to keep a clear head if I'm having appointments with specialists.
The qualifier is your own confidence in your capacity to just take them when you need them. It's a shame sometimes that you have to stress about this stuff on top of everything else.
Good luck. Marg xxx4 -
Hi, I have my surgery coming up this week for the same thing as you. I was diagnosed with IDC but very early stage and yes have stressed a lot. I'm 52, a bit older than you but have gone through and still going through the same emotional roller coaster. Things came to a head yesterday with my blood pressure sky rocketing and I thought I have to do something. So I did some Pilates stretches and breathing then got my iPod found some quiet music and lay down, told my brain in no uncertain terms to switch off, and stayed there till I calmed down. I have a relaxation massage booked for tomorrow and plan to keep on with the music and stretches. I don't know whether you have children but this would be a good time for family to help so you can get some time to meditate, employ any relaxation techniques, have someone give you a massage what ever you think will work. Take a deep breath. We're here for you. Xx2
Waiting for results is the hardest part. I don't think I slept the entire time more than an hour waiting for mine. I'd take that Diazepam tonight. You need some rest so you can take in all being explained tomorrow. Let us know how it goes. Write down questions you might need answers to so you don't forget to ask. Kath x2
I don't have kids yet. I am praying and hoping that I still have good chance of surviving.0
The fact they did a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy I believe is a good sign as they think it may not have spread. Having good information helps -can't recommend highly enough the BCNA My Journey kit in particular I liked th questions it suggested I ask doctors as the shock made it hard to think straight. . There's also a lot of resources on this site for you to read now that may help . Also it's important to have people in your corner - hope you have family and friends you can share with .There are many extraordinary women who will support you on this site - have a look around and read earlier posts too - you are not alone . There is even a group here especially for younger women .You could try some herbal tea - Celestial Seasonings has a good one called Sleepytime available in the supermarkets but might be best to have the diazepam tonight so you sleep well .Take someone with you tomorrow if you can as a spare pair of ears , also take something to write down what you are told. As hard as it is remember many women have and are going thru this and are still living happy lives - life is not ending .Sending you big hugs .
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Hi AA,I'm with Kath,I'd take the Diaz. When I'm playing the waiting game,I stay really busy and clean out cupboards etc.No amount of stress or worry tonight will change the pathology result.I'm so sorry you are going through this crap journey at such a young age.I had a similar bc( same size too) to you. I was 47 and that was in 2003. I'm fine today.It is totally normal to be anxious before a result- tell yourself that.We had a young woman your age in our support group and she went on to have children naturally after chemo.However,fertility is a subject to talk about with your team.Best wishes for tomorrow and let us know how you get on. Big hug.xx1
Yep take that diaz you need a good nights sleep so your head is clear to process everything all the best adean xxx1
Hi AA I got a 50 pack of low dose diaz 2mg back in february and i still hav 25 tablets left in the box. I too was anxious about taking addictive drugs and have done it very selectively only on the very worst nights to help me relax so i could sleep. I had an anxious 3 month wait between diagnosis and right side mastectomy, uncomfortable expander for 3 months and then reconstruction surgery one month ago. Now i am used to my implant and excited about my next appointment and future new nipple.I feel good and sleep well. Like you I dont like drugs either but do agree with the other ladies if you have never ending anxiety and crying you wont be able to get the rest you need so the tablets are helpful if you need them. I was scared of getting addicted too but obviously didnt. I hope you get good news at your appointment.Xx1
Hello @AA, thinking of you today and hope your appointment has gone well xx1
My sentinel node is positive, very small (microscopic) amount of cancer cells. The specialist gave me an option of leaving all my lymph nodes and have all the treatment chemo and radiotherapy ( as it is aggressive ). I opted To have axillary clearance as I don't want any cancer cells in my body. She said That the tumour was removed as the margin is clear. Specialist was very positive and assured that I am going to survive. I forgot to mention that my BC is hormone receptor positive ( oestrogen and progesterone ), HER non modified.2
Thank you all for being very supportive. I very much appreaciate your messages.3
Oh bugger on more surgery but always better to go on and have more and remove as much as you can and feel confident you have dobe all you can. So still chemo then? I guess radio will be determined after rest removed. If less than 3 nodes they don't always recommend it. Do you have your next surgery date yet?1