
Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
Hi I was on here a few months ago waiting to get in and see a breast doctor at the gold coast. Well I saw them and did a sample of my nipple discharge which they said had no cancer cells. So they told me to keep a eye on it. Anyway a few weeks later I was due for my mammogram and I told them what was going on so that came back OK. But they sent my GP a physical exam sheet to send back to them that was last week. I had just walked in from the GP and they rang me to make a appointment which I had yesterday well that turned into a core biopsy I was a bit shaken up by that. A small lump under my nipple has grown a bit it was not there in January. I asked if it looked solid and they said yes. I get my results tomorrow arvo. So I am a bit worried now.


  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    @Nenemiles, I hope your biopsy comes back clear. I know how horrible the wait is, but if it's something and caught early it's easier to treat. Hang in  there.
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    The waiting is terrible @Nenemiles - I feel for you.  It sounds like you have been very aware of the changes to your breast so hopefully all is clear with your biopsy.  Please let us know how you get on.  Jane xx
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    We have all been there so you know you will have many thoughts and prayers heading your way.  Keep us posted.
    Summer  :-)
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Oh @Nenemiles bet you feel like you've entered ground hog day!!! Crossing fingers for you lovely, let us know how you get on. Xx Cath
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Thanks to all you beautiful women. I will let you all know. It will be with a smile or tears but I need to know one way or another. Thanks for all your wishes. At least its only two day wait.
  • nonkyboy
    nonkyboy Member Posts: 188
    Fingers and toes crossed for a benign result Nenemiles
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Hi well I got my results today and I am more confused now but they told me that it was benign But there was some papillary lesions and something about cell changes. I have to have it out with a open biopsy done. So I was told in a letter they gave me that my risk now is higher and if its BC it will be early stage. So WHAT THE I am so confused now. Sorry for complaining I am still feel silly about this.

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh gosh how awful for you. I was told the nipple can conceal cancer in a mammogram  (well that's what the radiologist  told me when I was having an ultrasound on a now hard lump I found 5 weeks after a clear mammogram ). Just know you are in top of this and have done all to ensure good early bc treatment should it come back positive. We are here for you, and fully get how frightened you are feeling right now as all of us have been there. Take care and keep us up to date. Kath x.
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Thanks kath I will keep you all updated. I see my GP Monday.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @nenemiles I'm confused too, why didnt they do a mammo when you were there at the Gold Coast? that was a Specialist Breast Doctor? They tested the discharge then said see how you go? So you have the mammo and it was OK? So you go back to your GP, then they ring you for a core biopsy? but the mammo was clear? and they didnt do an ultrasound? Core biopsy comes back clear?  Now you have to have an open biopsy? I've not heard of that ever, wouldnt it be a lumpectomy?

    Sorry it must be very difficult  but I can't make sense of it all, really hope you get it sorted out. 
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    @melclarity yes this is very confusing. Sorry I didn't make it clear that when I had my mammogram done they asked about breast discharge so they sent my GP a form to do a physical exam and a small lump she notice under my nipple. So she was not happy to just keep a eye on things and sent the form back to breast screen QLD who rang me strait away. I saw their specialist breast doctor. And she told me that she thought it could be a papilloma under my nipple so a US was done again to see what it could be. She decided that a core biopsy to be done so they did that. They told me that papilery lesions can have cancer cells around them so a open biopsy should be done also cell changes where found. So I don't really understand all of this but I am getting pissed of as I just want to know. I hope I have explained it a bit better. Xo
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Well explained. Sometimes when small it can be difficult to biopsy more then one area. Yes an open biopsy... or lumpectomy is the better option and soon you will have definitive results. 
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Hi ladies just a update I went to my G P on Monday and she sent through the referral to the gold coast hospital and they rang yesterday with a appointment for the 14 of August. A breast care nurse will ring me this week. I am not sure why. But anyways I Hope you are all OK and thinking of you all.xo
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    So, you did see the Breast Specialist at Gold Coast Hospital, and they only tested the discharge? then sent you away. You went back to your GP and after a mammo that was benign yet the GP did the examination. You are now going back? to the Gold Coast Hospital on the 14th. Sorry I can't help or make sense of any of that, very odd. All the best. M
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Melclarity yes its a bit confusing. But I have a lump that was found not by mamo. The mamo didn't show anything that didn't surprise me as I have dense breast and they told me you can't detect papilloma on mamo. They found papillery lessions they can be cancer so they told me there could be cancer around the edge of it. This is a rare kind of BC. And because there was hyperplasia I think that's how its spelled. So they said it has to come out and the leaky duct. Xo