Breast thickening

Member Posts: 49 ✭
HI all, haven't been to this site for a while. Am almost 3 years post surgery for small tumour in my left breast, had a mastectomy and luckily no follow up treatment needed. Tried tamoxifen for a while but it made me depressed and affected my liver within 6 months. Last mammogram in August 2016 for the right breast showed an area of thickening that my breast surgeon was unconcerned about. This thickening has become painful and I'm not sure but there may be a slight indent underneath it when I raise my arm. I have a large aged breast so it makes it hard to definitely say the indent Is there. Anyone else had a painful thickened spot in their breast? I am 59 and suspicious of everything breast related!!
Hmmm any changes worth a trip to Dr to discuss. Hopefully it's nothing but definately get it checked out.
Paula x1 -
My original tumour was more a thickening than a lump, but it wasn't painful. Definitely get it checked out, it may be nothing to worry about and the peace of mind is certainly worth it. Best wishes xx1
Both my tumours (one in each breast) presented as thickening rather than lumps. I did get "pings" of pain in one breast which prompted the visit to my doctor and so the roller coaster began - and just keeps on giving.
Wishing you only good news
Martine xx
1 -
I too am suspicious of anything breast related. Was feeling some pains in the operated breast as well as swelling and redness. Got to see my gp quickly and then off to surgeon who confirmed it was an infection. How does that occur, anyone's guess it seems. Now the antibiotics have upset my stomach and so the roller coaster ride seems ongoing. Apart from that I'm really well cycling as much as I can to regain strength endurance and good health .2
Make someone have a good look at it. This site is littered with stories about women who thought something was wrong and got fobbed off. Chuck a wobbler, demand everything in writing and apologize later if everything is fine. Marg2
I'd ve aski g for an ultrasound and biopsy if needed. Better to do more than not enough I say. Kath x3
Yep ask for an ultrasound. Its the safest, no radiation, quickest way to find out what's going on. Even if it shows just more thickening, it creates a history of tests they can compare to the mammograms of previous times. As a public patient, my hospital sends the letter over to the private hospital for the ultrasound and it costs me nothing. Direct GP to private will cost you though.1
I'm with all the other ladies, definitely check it out, as seems you are concerned. My recurrence happened in my thickening/scar tissue of my lumpectomy 4yrs previously. It was really hard to detect. So get it checked out then you know whats what! xoxo Melinda1
Hi all, thanks for the advice. I managed to get my Dr to request an ultrasound and had it done yesterday. The tech said all looked fine and lymph glands normal but don't get proper results till tomorrow. I'm feeling a little better about it now. Dr thinks that the thickening is actually the only bit of real breast tissue I have left and the soreness is common. Here's hoping the ultrasound report backs that up. Mammo due in 6 weeks too so will have full picture then. Will post results after mammo unless report comes back suss tomorrow.1