Home after The Big Chop.

Member Posts: 961 ✭
So relieved to be back home after my surgery...bilateral mastectomy with axilliary clearance on the left and sentinal nodes on the right. Had the surgery on the 26th April, then rushed first to ICU, then back to theatre due to really bad bleed on the right side. Opened up the whole wound and tied off three 'squirters'. Nine units of packed cells, along with five units of plasma during and after that little drama. Ten days in ICU followed whilst trying to stabilise my blood pressure, (52 / 40 was my best effort), and get me back onto blood thinners due to previous pulmony embolisms and DVT's. The balance between causing another massive bleed and me shooting off another clot. I did have another bleed, this time on the left, but they were able to contain it. Then onto a general ward for three days. The light on the hill, however, is that my pathology report was very good, with no sign of active malignancy, and clear margins all around. So...12 weeks of AC (Nightmare), 12 weeks of Taxol and Herceptin, (Herceptin to continue for another six months), better than the AC, but bad neuropathy and manky nails, followed by The Great DeBoobing seems to have been worth it. Now to rebuild my strength and start the next phase of treatment...hormone blockers. Sigh.... how do you eat an elephant? ....One bite at a time...
Wow the thought never even occurred to me there could be complications like that. I stayed blissfully unaware for my surgeries. Hope you are getting better now you are back home in your own bed which is way better than living in a hospital.0
Oooh...sounds like a difficult time but you got through so kudos to you. Here's to healing qiickly. Kath x0
Great that you are home and recovering @AllyJay. Sorry you have had such a bad time post op, hopefully that's the end of all the nasty surprises. Take care, Jane xx0
@AllyJay goodness you found yourself in all sorts of bother! But most importantly you are on the better side of that part of treatment, hormone blockers, hopefully that is a breeze!AllyJay said:Now to rebuild my strength and start the next phase of treatment...hormone blockers. Sigh.... how do you eat an elephant? ....One bite at a time...
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Hey @Allyjay so great to hear from you that youve made it through...what an ordeal!!! But so glad that you are OK! Melinda xo0