Chemo and Radiation finished

Member Posts: 9 ✭
I read with interest the discussions, rants etc that are put up for discussion and they make me realise how lucky I am with my journey so far. My cancer was found through a mammogram, and was deep so the doctors and nurses could not feel it. (How lucky was I, it could have been ages before I felt it.) I had a lumpectomy on 28 October 2016. I had HER2 on my cancer which was contained, 3 nodes removed and all clear. I had 3 months of weekly chemo, 3 weeks off and then 5 weeks of daily radiation. I am now having my Herceptin 3 weekly injections (finish on 21 December) and Letrozole tablets for 5 years. I lost my hair, eyebrows, lashes and body hair (hair on head coming back slowly but silver grey so not easy to see) One red left boob but getting better every day with loads of cream and cold salt water (from fridge) on flannel on boob for 10 mins about 3 times a day. Luckily apart from tiredness not many side effects. I will be 68 in June and reasonably healthy and I just want people to know that some of us are lucky on our journey and my heart and love goes out to all of you whose journey is difficult with lots of bumps in the road,
I keep re- reading and changing bits but to hell with it, now pressing button.
I keep re- reading and changing bits but to hell with it, now pressing button.
Great that your cancer was picked up early and treatment was well tolerated.0
It's great to hear about women getting through their treatment with a minimum of fuss. I only wish more would post about it.
I do worry sometimes that some of us might scare the wits out those with new diagnosis with our tales of woe, so it's worth advertising that so many have few, and very manageable, side effects.
Good luck from here on. Marg1 -
I don't know. I am beginning to think the older one gets the tougher you are. You certainly seem to be doing things well. Glad its all on track to be but a memory one day.0
Hey @Lynds, I can totally understand how lucky you feel. I had a 2.7cm tumour with a satellite. Told it was mega aggressive and was guaranteed chemo. Had a mastectomy with implant recon. S
tellite was benign. Tumour came back grade 1. Because of mastectomy no radiation and because of grade and no lymph node involvement no chemo. Tamoxifen for however long.
I don't know who or what is looking after me but they're doing a bloody good job.Wishing you all the best for the rest of your treatment. Xx Cath