Odd behavior from dog

Hi everyone. 
I had breast cancer 5 years ago and am doing good now. Have just had my mamo and ultrasound and it was clear.
Just wondering if anyone has had this behavior from their dog. Over the last couple of month, he keeps sniffing my left breast. At random times. Different outfits. Even though my last results came back clear, it still makes me nervous. 
Thanks so much for listening 


  • Yazzyspice123
    Yazzyspice123 Member Posts: 3
    Oh I should point out, my cancer was in my right breast. 

  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    If memory serves, @Brenda5 had a similar experience.
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Hi may be for piece of mind see gp ask for ct scan 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    No! Not the creepy dog thing! Mine is now relentlessly sniffing my right hip, which seems to be the sorest part on an achy breaky body. I'm telling myself that she's smelling the results of my old chef habit of wiping my hands on an apron (which isn't there most times now) Just started rads and will have another scan later, but muttley can stop freaking me out, any time she pleases. Come to think of it, she's a piece of work and could be doing it on purpose to give me the hibbits!
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    My dog is a Standard Schnauzer known for their keen sense of smell. There is evidence some can detect cancers and my dog I did notice spent some time before my diagnosis sniffing my left breast. I thought he was just being a sticky beak but sure enough he was on to something. I thought he would really avoid me during chemo but he stayed with me even though I know I must have ponged of chemicals. <3
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh ...I'd be asking for an ultrasound. Not sure how to ask your GP without telling why though. I had a clear mammogram 5 weeks before finding a palpable lump in my breast. I guess just say you are not convinced your mammogram is accurate enough but an additional ultrasound gives a better accuracy in conjunction.
  • Jenv
    Jenv Member Posts: 64
    My dog does the weird, sooky, sad eyes thing around me almost like she scared of me...she is a shih zui 13 years old, i keep thinking she just old but maybe she is sensing....
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    I am convinced that my dog Moppitt found my cancer. I just didn't know it at the time.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    One of my dogs was very defensive of me during treatment. She is settling down now but before she was very aggressive to other dogs and some people too.
  • Yazzyspice123
    Yazzyspice123 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks everyone. Might see gp about extra ultra sound. Xxx