Thanks to the website and all who post

Member Posts: 290 ✭
I recently had a scare. My breast had gradually become lumpy and hard in one spot. I had just seen oncologist 2 weeks before. I typed in lumpy breast after radiation. Breast care org replies were on the net . Many had experienced similar problems. I felt less scared . Went to breast care nurse at radiation clinic everything okay. I was told if breast inflamed or fever or breast painful these were warning signs of a problem. I am fine.
I had previously posted where to go if not sure....@primeck suggested radiation clinic breast nurse. I went. So of course I will think through a course of action that is right for me but its great to have some helping hands along the way.
I had previously posted where to go if not sure....@primeck suggested radiation clinic breast nurse. I went. So of course I will think through a course of action that is right for me but its great to have some helping hands along the way.
Glad you have some support and now a plan where to go from here. Hoping it is all just settling down and scar tissue. Kath x0
fairydust it is an amazing forum where we all contribute to each other with a helping hand. be it in an encouraging word or a link to help for whatever we ask ..... that is what makes this forum so good.
you yourself input into this forum regularly, we are all a different stages of the roller coaster ride.... Even once treatment finishes for us there is all the things that BC leaves behind new concerns side effects etc etc....
Thank you for acknowledging that you are conscious of the benefit of the forum and all who lurk here.
Soldier Crab0 -
Hi, I am a bit lost on the newer website . I was here with Pagets Disease of the Nipple questions three years ago . I cant seem to get an answer from that area now . I have still got the symptoms at this time and had mammogram , ultra sound and milk duct removal 3 years ago . I couldnt get any GP or specialist to refer me for another opinion as advised . I have just had a visit to the GP clinic this week and the doctor gave me a copy of the letter on my file from the surgeon . It suggests I was "motivated" to have surgery so he removed the ducts as a therapeutic measure . He mentions "motivated" twice and it sounds like I had the all clear but he gave in and did the procedure. Its all lies and misleading , he was the one to suggest the removal and he also states the crusting on the nipple had cleared which it hadnt . I have had the on going symptoms and it has got worse . He also said I had Fibromyalgia which was wrong I actually have a rare auto immune condition called Dermatomyositis which has a high incidence of a tumour associated . I think the GP gave me the letter to show me how I had been portrayed . I had no idea about it , I trusted the surgeon at the time and believed them when they said no need for further opinions . In fact they couldnt get rid of me out of their office quick enough . I am not a surgery seeker I am far from it as I have had so much done in the last 30 years of illness . I am in worst physical condition now then I was back then , I weigh 44kg and to have just found out I was lied about and misled is doing my head in . I have a new referral thanks to this new gp but I now think its a waste of time as I couldnt face radical surgery to remove the nipple or breast , the steps that were pointed out to me the first time . I feel totally betrayed by the medical profession and also found out the letter from the surgeon after he removed the milk ducts has gone missing from my file . How on earth has this happened ? I had bladder and bowel problems and surgery over the 3 years so as I wasnt getting anywhere with the breast problem I had no option but to carry on . To fight chronic disease all these years and to get to this point where I have been lied about is devastating .0
Hi @Liz4. I just wanted to give you some tips on navigating the forum.
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