Thanks for the Mammaries.

AllyJay Member Posts: 961
Well here I am on the final countdown to my double mastectomy. Six more sleeps and the girls are gone. My first remembered awareness of my boobs changing, was me being a bridesmaid for an older cousin. I was 13 and my other cousin (the other bridesmaid) was a year older. We were both wearing A line dresses and I was a size 6A and she was a 12B. I was mortified by my flat chest. Come high school, and still...two peas on a breadboard whilst the other girls had "real boobs". I was soooo jealous. Still very small, but maybe Brussels Sprouts my my late teens, but I had hope of larger things to come. Finally I grew "real" boobs, with cleavage, when pregnant, and the following breastfeeding brought them to their full and productive glory. Two years four months for my son, and two years and one month for my daughter. Then...horror...they deflated!!! I remember commenting to my husband that I needed new bras after her weaning and the rotter said "Why not just roll them up like Swiss rolls and tie ribbons around?" Guess who went on short rations after that!! Then, as I entered my mid thirties, and a very early menopause, they magically grew again to a previously only dreamed of 18D. Now they have turned traitor, and are trying to kill my, so, off they come after being doused in some real toxic soup for the past six months. Come Wednesday, they'll only be a memory and I'll be back to my thirteen year old chest...such is the wheel of life... Please join me in saying farewell to them in as many languages as we can. "Cheers"... "Totsiens (Afrikaans):..."Hambe Kahhe (Zulu)".


  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Ally Jay

    It certainly is a massive journey being a woman from the beginning of our breasts. I could totally relate to what you said. I was a little different at age 13 I was already a massive C cup LOL I hated it!! and was petite. I never thought I would learn to love them, but I did and so the idea of saying goodbye to them was super hard for me. Eventhough I only lost 1 and have the other reconstructed, so a bit of the odd pair right now, certainly was the best path for me.

    Wishing the absolute best for your Surgery, will be thinking of you, hoping it all goes well... Auf Wiedersehen and farewell to your girls. Hugs Melinda xo
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Au revoir mammaries xx. 

    Thinking of you @Ally Jay and loving your humour and positivity. 6 more sleeps....and you can begin the next phase of your recovery xxxxx
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
    I evicted mine on 25th October 2012 for trying to kill me ..... I told them to piss off the amazing change to my neck and back problems is gone also..... 
    So tarr raaa Mammaries of @Ally Jay
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Blessed be the bras. Even after we stop needing them. Marg xxx

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Farewell me lovelies. ..job well done, now time to retire. Best of luck with surgery. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I was amazed at the weight of mine! And I only lost one. For a parcel of reasons I did not get a proper prosthesis for 12 months. Why was I surprised at a bit of backache? I had wished for big breasts when I was a flat chested 13 year old, be careful what you wish for! Due to fluid, my post mastectomy breast site was pleasantly rounded (my mutant breast as my lymphoedema therapist called it) but it wasn't really a shock. Not appealing after the first fluid aspiration though, all flat and wrinkly! I didn't feel bad about my breast, cancer just happens, it wasn't some bodily betrayal but I also don't miss it. I'd have missed a hand or a foot much more. 
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Oh I envied many a friend when I was in my teens and they had real breasts and a cleavage! I inherited my body shape from my mother and she used to say she must have been hiding behind the door when the boob fairy arrived!  I stayed small all my life, no kids so they still look like I did when I was 15.  But it doesn't matter what size and shape we are, our breasts have been part of of our lives and memories.
    but sometimes to move on with our lives we need to let old friends go.   Wishing you all the best Ally Jay and au revoir to your girls.  Jane x

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    @Ally Jay you can wish your girls
    Otsukaresama deshita  
    Apparently this means - Thanks for your hard work!!!! Pretty apt.
    Sayonara girls - wishing you all the best Ally Jay Xx Cath
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    You will eventually get used to it. I only had the one off about 18mths ago. The scar is less confronting now and my pectoral muscle is finally growing back. The other day in the shower I showed my hubby how I could now flex my little muscle. He burst out laughing lol.
  • lgray3911
    lgray3911 Member Posts: 207