Second Opinion Tomorrow

KarenF Member Posts: 5
I didn't think to even get a second opinion until speaking to one of my friends recently. I had Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.  Oestrogen and progesterone positive.  Had a lumpectomy and then an auxiliary Clearance.  1 lymph node was involved.  I had a horrible time with chemo and ended up in hospital after most treatments.  Instead of 4 lots of AC  I had 3 with 3 hospital admissions and that was with a needle the next day to increase WBC.  Then went on to pacitaxels.  Was supposed to have 12 weekly treatments and they stopped them after 6, cause my body couldn't tolerate it.

Now my last resort before radiation is to get a second opinion tomorrow.  The hospital i was originally at said they could do a double mastectomy but would have to wait 18months for reconstruction and then it sounded like they were going to make a patchwork quilt boob from stomach or back.  I believe it's a team flap? 

Anyway, I'm going to ask new surgeon tomorrow if it's possible to have a nipple and skin sparing operation with implants inserted at the same time.

If anyone has any information would be most appreciated.

Cheers Kaz


  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 458
    Hi karen great to follow up with second opinion.
    Lots of decisions to make but remember you dont have to rush into reconstruction. Body needs to heal after radiation so specialist will discuss the treament options .
    Lots of of us have not had recon but if i did i would go with least invasive is implant.
    Lots of info in tests treatments section
     All the best with tomorrow
    Huggs Bright
  • ccasper
    ccasper Dragonfly Posts: 190
    Hi there
    i had an immediate recon with implants and a BMX. I am not sure where you are but I used my private health to be able to do this surgery as I know going public they would not do so. Mine was not nipple sparing as I had breastfed and was told cosmetically it would be better to have a lift first but I had chemo before surgery so I just wanted to the sucker out of there. I will get tattoos eventually. Good luck. Ask all the questions you can think of 
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 760
    Hi Karen, I had a left mastectomy for grade 1 IDC last August, 3 lymph nodes removed and all clear.  I chose a mastectomy as I am small breasted and a lumpectomy wouldn't have been very good cosmetically and I wanted to be sure of clear margins.  I kept my nipple and have a scar under the breast fold. The implant goes under the pectoral muscle with a sling made of cadaver skin to hold everything in place.  There was definitely a bit of healing to be done, some pain and tightness around the muscle where it had been separated from my breastbone but it was feeling fine after 8 weeks.  Almost 9 months on it has softened a lot and looks no different to my other breast.  
    Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. Hopefully you have several options and can make the decision that's right for you. Jane xx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,317
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532
    Karen, certainly worth a 2nd opinion, they are 2 very different reconstructions for sure. Im really happy with the Diep Flap reconstruction and the scars will fade and once a nipple is on I'll be super happy. I couldnt do an implant due to radiation treatment in 2011 and couldnt save the nipple either. All the best x M 
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Hi Karen, I feel like I've got a bit of insight into the two different options: I had mastectomy with insertion of an aero form tissue expander for 12 months and then recently (3 weeks ago) had a DIEP. Feel free to ask any questions.


  • KarenF
    KarenF Member Posts: 5
    Thankyou everyone for your replies.  I could have the double mastectomy but recon would be 18months plus.  I've decided to go ahead with radiation starting on 2/5  Then hysterectomy and hormone tablets.   Then will try and put this nightmare behind me
    Thankyou everyone for your input xx
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    edited April 2017
    Take care Karen - will be thinking of you x
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 458
    Hi Karen big huggs treatment is of course the priority .All the best B