Hair Loss when to Shave

KylieBNZ Member Posts: 11
Hi ladies

Reading a lot today and trying to see when to do the shave the head


  • NaomiV
    NaomiV Member Posts: 26
    Hi Kylie,
    I had pretty long hair, and I decided to shave as soon as the first clump of hair started fell out - I didn't fancy having to vacuum up my hair from all over the house once it started to fall!
    I was too nervous to shave before that, as I still hoped in the back of my mind that it wouldn't fall out - needless to say I didn't have to live with my shaved head for long as it fell out pretty fast after shaving but waiting was definitely the right decision for me (especially now I'm trying to grow my hair back, I'm glad I enjoyed every single possible day with my long hair before it went!!).
    Good luck!
  • KylieBNZ
    KylieBNZ Member Posts: 11
    Hi Naomi
    Some how I cut off all my message and only one line showed up.
    loosing my hair is ok but like you I don't want to wake up with a hairy pillow that won't be pleasant  
  • Karenhappyquilter
    Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
    I went to my hairdresser to have a buzz cut just before my second chemo cycle, my oncologist said it would fall out a few days after that and I felt I couldn't face it while feeling tired and nauseous.  I felt better with it off. Good luck 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hi Kylie,

    I used to have really long hair, I cut it up short before I started chemo, at about day 10 after my first infusion it started to fall, my scalp felt strange, sore. Then it just started to come out on my pillow and in the shower, the minute it started I rang my hairdresser who works from home and flew over asap! she shaved my head immediately and I had my wig already bought and cut in shape ready to go. At home rocked it bald, :)
  • KylieBNZ
    KylieBNZ Member Posts: 11
    I am going to have a shave off BBQ as I have a hairdresser friend and make a fun afternoon of it. 
    No wigs for me just a scarf or ten.

  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    I had my long hair cut to a pixie cut before I started chemo. I actually really liked it and might go back to that when I grow it back. When my hair started falling out when I ran my hands through it (about day 14 - 16 after first infusion) I got it shaved off. It still fell out in little bristles on the pillow so I slept with a hand towel on it. I found my head hurt when there was hair and it was falling out, much less when it was shaved, and even better when most of it had fallen out. Actually quite a nice feeling, like a many finger massage, in the shower now.

    I don't know if anyone else has the same problem with a hot head but I spend the day putting a cotton cap on and snatching it off a short time later, wearing one out drives me nuts, I can't wait to get home and get it off. Even the bamboo ones make my head hot. Mostly I go bald headed at home, not game to go out like that yet. But I do go bald headed at the Cancer care exercise classes, and during chemo ( it helps to keep my head cool and lessens the headache) everyone is supportive there and it really doesn't matter.
  • Melsie97
    Melsie97 Member Posts: 74
    I had my hair cut up to just under my chin the day before Chemo started. My head started to get sore and tingly before my second treatment. Then it started falling out a little. I shave to a number one just after Chemo 2 as my son was away. I too couldn't bring myself to wear a wig, so my boys picked me out some cool Pokemon/Wonder Women and Avenger scarfs and I rocked those. At home I just rocked the bald look
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I had mine buzzed off once rapidly falking which was day 17 after AC chemo. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I had the number 3 clipper treatment the day the first hairs fell out (14 days after chemo started). I really liked it! My hair looked darker, and the style looked cheeky and fun. Had it not been for a rather unsightly mark on the back of my head, I might have kept it that short when it grew back. Not our choice, but the whole hair thing is a bit of an adventure if you can manage to see it that way! 
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    I was told that my hair would start to fall out 14 days after first chemo and it did.  I managed to hang on to it for a week after, and remember going to my second chemo with still having my hair but with a scarf on as it was falling out in clumps.  I had made an appointment for my lovely hairdresser to come over the next day and do the big shave.  I had my Mum and Dad and in-laws there and my hubby.  I was really good about it, but I think it was hard on them.  Interestingly enough I had a friend and she managed to hang onto just enough hair that she didn't have to shave it off.  It was very thin in parts though.
    Good luck. and enjoy the BBQ.
    Paula xx
  • KarenF
    KarenF Member Posts: 5
    Hi Kylie

    Another Or told me that I would lose my hair by the time of my 2nd AC treatment that was every 3 weeks.  She was right.

    I had an extremely hard time with chemo, the 2nd week after my first AC treatment I was in hospital neutropenic.  Very low white cell count.  My head was really itchy when my friend was visiting.  When she left I went to the bathroom to take my hair out of ponytail to put it up again and 3/4 of my hair fell out in clumps.  The nurses were great and cut what was left and then shaved it.

    Hope that helps some.  Best wishes.

  • lgray3911
    lgray3911 Member Posts: 207
    Hi Kylie
    I didn't have very long hair just a bob style. When I got diagnosed I got it cut into a pixie cut which I love!! Used to have it like that in my 20's and after all this is over I will keep it short now can't imagine my hair long again. Anyway I had my first chemo on the 7th of April next one on the 26th and oncologist said I will start to lose it 16 days after treatment which will be this Sunday. My husband goes away of Sat for 6 days so may come home to a bald wife!!! Am starting to feel a bit nervous about it. 
    Laura xx
  • Di
    Di Member Posts: 50
    @KylieBNZ hi I had lovely thick hair before my chemo . On the 13th day of my treatment my scalp became very sore and my hair started to drop out in clumps. I tried to hold off shaving my head but my scalp became unbearably sore and I finally succumbed. I had previously bought a wig when I was first diagnosed so that I could match it as closely to my original style . My sister convinced me to wear the wig as my hair was very thin by this stage to see how it felt. We went to my chemo appointment with it on and then out for coffee and nobody noticed the difference. This made my mind up and that day my sister shaved the remaining hair. It was an extremely emotional moment. The relief from the sore scalp was instant. I wore my wig when out but at home went bald or wore cotton scarves.,6 months after my chemo completed my hair started to grow back. Loosing my hair was extremely confronting for me . I look at my hair now and it is so healthy and back to normal and I get it trimmed and a head massage at my hairdressers every 6 weeks . This is my treat and I treasure my hair . 
    You will know when the right moment is for you .
    Di xx