Hello everybody 
I'm hoping that I'm allowed to be in this forum as I'm not  a cancer patient. My hubby has been diagnosed with bowel cancer stage 4 last year. Two lots of different chemo combos without success. His oncologist told us "there's nothing else he can do for Russ". We have been researching the complete web and came across the Hallwang clinic in Germany. 
He have singed the consent forms to get his cancer sample sent to them. Has anyone from Australia went to this clinic.? Your thoughts about it?
Thank you for your valuable time in reading my post. 
Laura from Brisbane 


  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    Hi @Aussielaura, I haven't had personal experience myself but have heard of this clinic & their very good results with all different types of cancer.  I think it is very expensive but they have access to drugs we don't have & do a lot with immunotherapy. Good luck to you and your husband!
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    This older post by @Giedre

    Involves a discussion of someone who has gone to this centre. If you click on her name you can private message her. I am unsure if she remains active.

    Goodluck. Kath x
  • Aussielaura
    Aussielaura Member Posts: 2


  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    Hi @Aussielaura, you are welcome here, but I also want to give you some resources that you might find more helpful. Bowl Cancer Australia has a lot of resources and also a peer to peer support networkCancer Council has a forum and may have discussions about bowel cancer.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    If he has to fly over there, make sure your passports are in order. Also I would suggest he wear those pressure socks on the plane. In the mean time get one of those juicer things ( I forget the name of it) and put in everything red or black in fruits and vegs. Also take high doses of vitamin C. It can help slow progression down a little. Good luck with it all. <3