Choosing Breast Reconstruction weekly update

mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
edited April 2017 in Community news and events
What a lovely week it's been in our group. So great to see so many members supporting each other through their reconstruction journey.
Kath has just had her changeover to implants and posted a great photo story, and another member has also had changeover surgery.

Nikki is continuing to update her DIEP reconstruction post with some new photos and there are lots of comments to read.
Mel has also put a 5 week post DIEP post up.  She is doing so well.

We have a new member enquiring about DIEP and some Sydney surgeons.
Another new member looking for support as she looks into delayed Reconstruction

Reclaim your Curves Sydney girls are holding a support group lunch on April 30th

If  you are a member and haven't visited for a while, or you are in need of support pop in and say hi.

Here is the link for anyone wishing to join Choosing Breast Reconstruction

Have a great weekend.

Paula and the team :)