Treatment/therapies living in the bush

LadyLace Member Posts: 41
Hi Everyone,
I live in South Burnett (unfortunately). There is no one here who has the knowledge/expertise to provide breast surgery post-op care, eg exercises etc.  I saw a physio in Brisbane who provided instructions and a take-home page, however, I have been advised by the Breast Care Nurse to seek extra physio as well. My closest civilized centre is Toowoomba. Can anyone recommend a physio in Toowoomba?  Thanks Joanne :) 


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Is there a public hospital there? I would be ringing and asking if they have physio services. 
  • LadyLace
    LadyLace Member Posts: 41
    I spoke with the local BCN who advised me to go private due to limited services in the public sector. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Did she not offer any names? That would have been helpful. The physio at the hospital may have that info also. Hope somebody can help. Kath x
  • LadyLace
    LadyLace Member Posts: 41
    Thanks Kath. 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hey Ladylace,

    Sorry Im in Melbourne, Ive been through Breast Cancer twice 2011 and 2015 and now recovering from a Mastectomy/Diep Flap Recon. I only ever received a pamphlet from physio at surgery times. I did get severe cording in my arm from chemo which I was told to seek Physio, but I never did and I managed to get full movement back into it. Hopefully some ladies have some ideas for you. Hugs Melinda xo
  • LadyLace
    LadyLace Member Posts: 41
    Hi Melinda
    thanks for your reply. I am determined to get physically fit. Doing ok at present. Looking for further support, to keep moving forward. Living in the bush comes with many treatment challenges... 
    I am so tired of getting into the car every time I need treatment. Weekly trips to Brisbane during chemo have diminished my travel bug!!  Hope you are doing ok too. 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534

    Ohhh I can only imagine!!! it is super hard for sure, and yes you have your challenges being a little more remote. What I liked about working with my Exercise Physiologist was I have a program and I only see her once a month really as its on my phone app to do. Maybe with some planning you could do alot from home? Walking is the best thing to do and stretching. x
  • LadyLace
    LadyLace Member Posts: 41
    Exercise Physiologist... I can only imagine what that would be like! 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Mine was organised through my Income Protection, but Im pretty sure you can get some sessions through a GP, but I know too being so remote makes it so so hard. Hmmm I wonder if there are any that work via skype!? I know PT's that work that way with some clients. Even Pilates Ive heard is excellent with all the stretching. Do they have anything up your way? 
  • LadyLace
    LadyLace Member Posts: 41
    I've tried Pilates and couldn't get co-ordinated and was in trouble for sending everyone into laughter!! I'm going to try some yoga , I can do that at home. I am on income protection now, I might contact them as well. Thanks
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    LOL you know I was the same when I started with my Exercise Physiologist!!!!! NO Co ordination but now Ive got my core strong thats the key!!! I was useless LOL so yes give them a call. x
  • Harlee
    Harlee Member Posts: 106
    Hi Ladylace I'm not sure what part of the South Burnett you live in but are you able to get to the Sunshine Coast? The new university hospital at Kawana has a magnificent cancer centre. I'm a private patient so I haven't used their facilities (which only opened last month) but I have heard that it's very good.
    I have a great physio here but at the moment I'm seeing an exercise physiologist in Caloundra who has been very helpful. Medicare is paying a rebate for my first 5 sessions so it only costs about $20 at the moment. Sadly my health insurance won't cover it (typical!!) so I'm not sure what I will do when I get to that point. 

  • LadyLace
    LadyLace Member Posts: 41
    Hi Harley
    yes I have seen lots of services at the coast. Me thinks moving there would be a healthy move, for lots of reasons... 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Hi @LadyLace

    I'm in a similar position. There are no public physio services here apart from a six week program the hospital runs. If you can't fit in with that, the only option is to pay for it.

    I rang the exercise physiologist that was recommended, who has had ExMed training which is, apparently, the newest thing in oncology physio, but there is no chance that I can afford to see her. I'm living on my savings at the moment and I can't justify spending the equivalent of a weeks food on a 45 minute session. Some may argue that I can't afford not too, but that's the end of that option for me.

    I think sometimes those in the metro areas really don't understand the disconnect from services we have in regional areas. Yes, it's our 'choice' to live here, but that isn't helpful when I see how little is available in the way of auxiliary treatments that are readily available in the city. Very frustrating but ultimately there is nothing to be done as there simply isn't the money in the system to provide equity of access. Online options are a very poor cousin to real professional advice, but it's too late to move to the big smoke now.

    Oh well, redneck rehab it is for me.

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Right, @Harley B , tell me more about this rebate. I got the impression that there must have been some option apart from eye watering hourly rates. How do I go about finding out about that? Did you organize it through your GP?