Lovely article that Inkpetal has shared... on activity page.

SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
Lovely article "What it means to Hold Space for someone" [sensitive theme]


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited March 2017
    I never post on tbe activity page (actually I didn't know you could until recently) Thanks for sharing @Soldier Crab and @InkPetal
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    @primek why I put it on here not everybody goes to activity page....

  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    I like to be a sneaky secret squirrel :3
  • KathSe
    KathSe Member Posts: 29
    Saw my oncologist today for my 3 month check post chemo and rads for a 9 mm triple neg with clear sentinel nodes and lumpectomy with clear margins in July 2016 and not sure how I feel! He was very positive and bloods all good but I've been having creepy crawly feelings in my shoulder(severe dislocation 3 years ago) which I've been having since diagnosis and a creepy crawly feeling in my hip which came on 3 weeks after chemo and after I was started on Venlafexine which I Stopped 5 weeks ago. He says it's nerve related and will see me in 3 months but I'm freaking out. 
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    Is it like a kind of.. squeky blurgle pain that's more like stuff is rumbling around than stabbing? No idea how to describe it but "creepy crawly" made those weird pains I had jump straight back into my mind.

    If it gets worse and starts causing you more discomfort, go to your GP and talk about it. I'd keep an eye on it and wait for my check-up, but I think that if it's something causing you a lot of anxiety it's worth going back just to talk about to put your mind at ease. xo

    I have neuropathy pain even now seven months post chemo. #overit
  • KathSe
    KathSe Member Posts: 29
    No stsbbing pains just like something crawling under my skin. Did urs settle?
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    OH like the electrical stuff. Yeah... it took a long time though. :(