Sometimes 'the system' works for you. How fabulous

Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
I embarked on a course, Batchelor Applied Management and HR, when I lost my job on August. I got RPL 'ed the first year because I had an ad dip in a related subject and years of experience. Then got my cancer diagnosis in September. I had a call from the course coordinator today telling me I don't have to do the first subject this year, which  is to do with analysing and presenting research,  as my resume, biog and past course work demonstrate to him that I have the subject under control. How good is that? Still have to pay for it, but, hey, take the wins when you can. BTW, I'd have blitzed it, but so pleased I don't have to do that assignment in the weeks between chemo and radiation.
Aaannnd, they will let me Skype into two lectures while I'm having radiotherapy instead of trying to buy a bloody TARDIS  so I could be in two places at once ( radiation and uni are 210km apart) 


  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    This is fantastic :)... High five to you @Zoffiel
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Brilliant!! That's so good - but I reckon you should still try for The Tardis, could come in handy. Xx
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612

    socoda said:

    ...but I reckon you should still try for The Tardis, could come in handy. Xx

    I have to agree. I'd love my own TARDIS. Where are the scientists when you need them?!
  • RNSW
    RNSW Member Posts: 121
    Yay! Sounds good  :):):)
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    That's wonderful, how good to get a win
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Great news for you! It's so nice when things go your way.