
Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
Hi I don't have BC but I have a family history. I just had a ultrasound on my breast for discharge from one breast and have fibrocystic and fibroglandular tissue. The doctor told me the discharge was from having fibrocystic breast. But I am not sure. Just asking if anyone has had this?


  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    I have not had fibrocystic breasts but I was diagnosed at age 39 and never knew I had family with breast cancer untill I tested positive for the BRCA2 gene mutation.  If you have a strong family history I cant stress enough that you get a referral for an ultrasound and or fine needle biopsy.  My GP missed my cancer for 12 months saying "it is just a benign cyst" untill it started spreading!  Dont wait, don't just rely on a GP to make those decisions.  Get a referral for an ultrasound.  If I could turn back time.
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Thank you Ne. I will do that. Something just doesn't feel right. I am worried they have missed something.
  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336

    You are welcome.  Please follow your instinct.  An ultrasound is so easy and a safe way to pick up on abnormality.  Make sure when you get the results from your GP that he reads through it all an not just the top bit.  If at any stage of the report the words FNA comes up then insist you want an FNA (Fine Needle Biopsy).  My cyst was ultrasound tested and the results say benign cyst but patient could have FNA if she wanted.  My GP never read that last bit, he only said "just benign cyst", 12 months later it turned out is was a very aggressive cancer that by then had spread to my lymph nodes.  If I had known there was a test like an FNA I would have opted to have it.  You need to take charge sometimes and read the results and educate yourself on terminology etc so you know what they are talking about.  An ultrasound is super easy and quick and the most reliable test to check what is going on in your breasts.  Keep us posted how you go.  Good luck x

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Nenemiles, I think that if you have any doubts whatsoever go for a second opinion. This is your body and health that is at stake and you cannot be too careful. Sending you a big hug. Xx Cath
  • RNSW
    RNSW Member Posts: 121
    Hi, I have learnt the hard way that if something doesn't feel right to get checked and a second opinion. I have had a different experience but sometimes you need to be the one to ask for tests. Also you could ask to see a specialist maybe. If you are 40 or over you can also have a mammogram. I hope you get it sorted. Best wishes
    Rita xo 
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Hi Cath thank you. Yes I think I might get a second opinion. I just not sure about what I was told. Look I could be worried for no reason. But when I asked about the breast discharge my doctor wasn't to sure about how long it could last or where its from in my breast. Made me a bit worried
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Hi Rita thank you. I don't want to just except what I have been told. If my ultrasound had found where this discharge was coming from well I would feel better as this is why I had it done for but nothing mentioned about it in the report. I got a copy of it from my doctor. I am due for my next mammogram in June. Because of my dense breasts its harder for them to pick things up. Thank u again. Xo
  • Amazonia
    Amazonia Member Posts: 40
    Hi Nenemiles,
    My first symptom was nipple discharge. 
    Was at my GP that day and sent for ultrasound, mammogram, core biopsy and specialist advice with further tests.
    I'm very thankful my GP was so thorough and followed up with consulting all involved. 
    I was diagnosed with Paget's disease of nipple ( a rare cancer) which is generally accompanied by cancer in the breast elsewhere, which was also the case. 
    Within 3 weeks had a mastectomy, started chemotherapy and Herceptin (still under way) and will seek a prophylactic (R) mastectomy also due to aggressive pathology risk.
    Always trust your gut feeling and seek further opinion until you feel you have an accurate diagnosis send on comprehensive tests and pathology.
    best of luck.
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Thank you very much Amazonia. The more information I can arm myself with the better. I have had this for a few months now. I only have in one breast and the strange thing is I have more cysts in the breast with no discharge. You lady's are amazing and very brave. I send all my love to you all thank you again. Xo
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Nenemiles, I had my first mammo at about 37 but only because my Mum had BC at 40, I have no other family history, I did get BC but not until I was 43 and again at 47. Absolutely I'd get a Mammo and ultrasound just to rule it out and so you know whats going on. I had no lump nothing at first diagnosis, however my second the BC developed in my scar tissue from my lumpectomy 4yrs prior. I had cysts that come and go, but honestly do get it all checked out for peace of mind. Hugs Melinda xo
  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Thank you Melinda. My us showed no mass but as I have fybrocystic and fybroglandula tissue it can be masked. So I will have to demand more tests until I am satisfied. Xo
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Yes good idea, I think until you are happy. Mammo as well as ultasound should help. The 2 in conjunction have diagnosed me twice. Xx 
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Nenemiles. I am sure you are now determined to seek a second opinion, after all the other replies, but I also have to have my say.
    please please have other tests soon. When it is your life you really need to take charge. I also have dense cyst filled breasts. I only learnt from having breast cancer that they can be very difficult to read on mammogram and ultrasound. I had one biopsy that was benign, so it cost a little money and a bit of time to find out, but it was worth it.
    The next one in the other breast was cancer. 
    Dont stop pushing for answers until you are satisfied.
    I send you warm thoughts and sisterly prods in the back to investigate further.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    The other thing that was recommended to my sisters as myself and another sister have had breast cancer and a niece is to have a consult with a breast surgeon. He can then determine breast density and recommend what type of screening should be done. ..for instance a breast MRI every 2 years possibly with mammograms and ultrasounds in between. Even though my family are currently gene -ve, they still consider all of us a high risk.

    Hope you are able to get the follow up you need and feel confident with tbe diagnosis.  This link has some info which may be helpful. Kath x

  • Nenemiles
    Nenemiles Member Posts: 54
    Thank you  Kath I think I might have to demand more tests until I am satisfied. This could take some time. I look at what you and all the other lady's have and still are going through and feel like l should not complain. Thank you so much xo