
Hi on 30th august i had 6 monthly mammo and ultra sound. I had a hypoechoic lesion that had grown. At this time it was 8x4x11mm. Today i had fna and it is now 4.2x12.2mm. I am surprised that it has slightly grown in 6 weeks. Should i be worried?


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    hi @tracey75 I have no answers about the medical side of it but I wanted to reassure you that by sounds of it your team are checking it out thoroughly and have your best interests at heart. .
     I am sure others will be able to give you a bit of reassurance... 
    Hugs and energy 
    Soldier Crab 
  • tracey75
    tracey75 Member Posts: 2
    ❤ thank you @Soldier Crab. I do get my results on Saturday so I don't have to wait too long!  I'm keeping the positive vibes around me xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    These things really can be difficult to measure on ultrasound.'s really a guide. I mean they get baby sizes wrong all the time