BCNA's award winning online workshop

Hi all
I have just completed the workshop online and found it to be comprehensive, clear and enjoyable. Although I am now 12 years (today) since my BC journey commenced and have since been trained as a BCNA Community Liaison, Consumer Rep and a support group leader, I found refreshing my brain was great. All that BCNA produced was good and I would really love the videos to be available for me to use when giving a public talk on BCNA.
I think this is a terrific way to train newbies but agree that you cannot beat hands-on and physical meetings with BCNA for training purposes.
Perhaps selective training groups in specialised areas (i.e remote; Non English speaking groups; deaf; disabled etc) would be of most benefit to those particular groups?
There are only so many dollars in the BCNA pot though and we all realise this- I think BCNA does a terrific job with the resources they have and am proud to be able to advise members of the public about this.
Bravo BCNA and all who spread their mission of Support, Inform, Represent and Connect.
I agree. I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and it definitely made me think about the language I was using. It was very thought provoking.
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I also agree it was easy to access in my own time and was a great refresher of information and I hope we will be able to continue to revisit the modules as future references. THANKS BCNA!!