Hi everyone

Hi, I just thought I should introduce myself, my name is Sue and I live in Bute which is near Kadina. I was diagnosed in January 2009 with metastatic breast cancer grade 2 ,Her2+ ER+ and the mets were in my lungs at the age of 47. My treatment is femara every night and Herceptin every 3 weeks. To have my Herceptin infusion I go to Lyell Mc Ewin Hospital (which is 140km away) and see the oncologist while there and then 3 weeks late I can have treatment at my local hospital in Port Broughton then the next treatment back to the LMH.
Living here there is no support groups but we do have a breast care nurse at the Wallaroo Hospital. The community nurses here are also very helpful and look in on me at times as well.
It has been hard until I found BCNA as it seemed there was no one else like me with advanced as first diagnosis but now I know there are others like me and what I feel and think are very normal which is a relief!!!
Any way look forward to hearing of and hopefully attending future events here in SA as most things I have noticed are held in Melbourne or Sydney that I hear about...
Take care
Welcome abroad the road train/pink conveyor belt/ etc etc etc. Glad that you have found BCNA site and all the lovely ladies on here. We have a love CLO (Community Liaison Officer) In SA whom I am sure will contact you. XLeonie
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Hi Sue,
I too live quite a way away. Port hedland and have to fly 2 hrs for herceptin every 3 weeks.
This website is great and helpful to know thre are poeple out there who understand. And also, I think its easier to talk openly here, without distressing our family and friends.
At the moment I am undergoing the radio 6 weeks worth. I have triple positive..grade 3 early Breast cancer. Chemo complete,and femara for 5 yrs. A long long road.I hope you are feeling well, take care for now xoxox
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Hi Ally,
I can't imagine how you cope with the traveling it must be so tiring for you I know with me by the time we get home I am exhausted. Isn't there a regional hospital that you could get at least every other infusion? I get every other one done by my GP at the regional hospital which is only 30min away so that it cuts down on the traveling I have to do, to complicate things I suffer from motion sickness pretty bad since this journey began and tablets don't always help.
I am on Herceptin until it stops working and on Femara until I don't know when no one has given me time lines so I guess while that works I stay with it. I haven't had any other Chemo or Radiotherapy or surgery just Herceptin and Femara.
I agree this is a great place to vent and talk about things that would upset family and friends to hear and it helps when you know everyone here understands exactly what your saying and why...
Hope you get through radio with no problems, 6 weeks sounds like such a long time and yet it will be over in a blink.
Look after yourself