Using the network -- Report as inappropriate

Hi all,
A big welcome to our newest members. There's just over 950 of us now, so it's great to see the network still growing.
Today's tip relates to our reportable content features which help minimise spam and inappropriate content in the network. Spam is an unfortunate fact of life in the online and digital worlds, and that includes social networks, such as our own. We have in place best-practice measures to guard against it but it's still possible that, despite our best efforts, some will creep through. The good news is, there are a few things you can do to help.
Spam comments and posts -- 'report as inappropriate'
Every post in the network comes with an automatic "report as inappropriate" link at the bottom right of the blog post or comment. This is primarily to report posts that do not comply with our Terms of Use. It should also be used to report spam. Just click the link and make a note of what you've seen and we will receive an automatic notification with a link to the post in question. Note: You should not respond or comment on the post itself.
Spam private messages -- 'block author'
When you receive a personal message into your inbox, it will have a 'block author' link on it at the bottom right. If you receive an inappropriate message, or one from a member you don't want to receive further correspondence from, then you can click this link. Because your inbox and personal messages are private, we would appreciate you letting us know by email if you receive a spam or inappropriate personal message. Just send a message via the contact form, or to our email address Note: You should not respond to a spam message, or give out personal or private details to someone you don't know.
That's it from me -- hope that helps explain those network functions and how we can all keep the network as spam-free as possible. I've added this extra detail to the Network Q & A, but please feel free to ask questions if you have them.