Where did that week go?
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Can you belive it's Friday? Where did the week go! We welcomed 31 new members to the online network and a big welcome back to those revisiting after some time away - it is always great to hear what you have been upto :-)
With members at different stages following their diagnosis and members who are supporting their loved ones, we have seen a broad range of topics and connections made. A big thank you again to everyone who has been actively involved in commenting on blog post this week. We have seen an increase with roughly around 276 comments and 34 new blog posts. It's the questions answered and experiences shared that really shows the support each of you are providing to one another.
- Have a look at Sonya's recent blog post which will hopefully make you smile and warm your heart - First Chemo, done and dusted - https://www.bcna.org.au/online-network/groups/depression-and-anxiety---facing-the-hurdles-together/blog/first-chemo-done-and-dusted-1.
- Do you have any back to work tips for Heather? Progress Report - https://www.bcna.org.au/online-network/members/Blackduck/blog/progress-report-1.
- Thanks Trace for sharing your first Radiotherapy experience - Starting Radiotherapy - https://www.bcna.org.au/online-network/members/Tracey%20B/blog/radiotherapy-starts
- To find all the latest blog posts, visit the ‘Posts’ page - https://www.bcna.org.au/online-network/posts
- If you want to connect with an online group search for a topic or interest - https://www.bcna.org.au/online-network/groups
Improvement & fixes
We continued to work through a range of improvements, some you will see others will be in the back end of our system including the Removal of Recommend, Join a group, Comment and Report buttons for 'Logged out' users.
Note: Although logged out users can not participate in the online network or create content the options to Recommend, Comment, Join and Report content were still visible to logged out users and this was very confusing. So they have now been removed and fingers crossed this will reduce some confusion and frustration.
If there are aspects of the website you find confusing, please leave a comment on the blog post to let us know. Other members may be able to help you, and we can review the Help and FAQ if there is a need for specific advice.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend
~Daina and Annie
Note: To see previous website updates, visit the Network News group - https://www.bcna.org.au/online-network/groups/online-network-news