Post Summit High!

Returned home very inspired and motivated after Melbourne 2 day Summit conference, with women from around Australia. Have been planning " MY TO DO" list - of things I can do/facilitate/connect re: online network followup from workshops.
Good news! I'm making some progress with introducing new ideas to my local support group. Emailed a one page report of my experiences at Summit to group leader who has been very positive about my suggestions for some changes. She's even emailed a copy to all members encouraging them to become more involved with promoting our BCNA group page/local services directory and the online network.
Also sent a copy of my Summit report to local Breast Cancer Nurse who is organising a Forum in October - Saturday half day in Coffs Harbour. Hoping to show short promo of BCNA and its online network on big screen at this event, to facilitate awareness and discussion. Even if only helps/makes a difference for one person or their family, it will be so worth it.