It's been a busy week - Keep connecting!

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited August 2015 in Community news and events

Happy Friday to all - I hope you’ve had a great week, apologies in advance for the long update today, however there is so much to tell you.

First up is the activity within the online network -- We have seen over 320 comments, 41 new blog posts and 27 new sign ups - with some great connections and support! Members like 'blackduck' who made her first blog post and was made to feel welcome and supported -

Some inspiring posts around keeping active and well -

And some support during chemo from unlikely friends -

I'm glad to share some of the fixes and improvements we have made to the site this week and they include:

  • Online network speed - This has taken us some time and resources but I am pleased to say you should experience quicker load times when navigating around the online network - Yay! We will keep an eye on this and make improvements as we go.
  • Notifications - You should now receive a notification to your online network 'Inbox' when a blog post you have commented on has further activity. For example: If Sally comments on Anna's blog post, Anna is notified - If Stacey then comments on Anna's blog post - both Anna and Sally will receive a notification and so on..... I am hoping it will keep you connected with activity in the online network.
  • Deleting from your Inbox - there was an issue with deleting 'Broadcasts' from your messages but this has now been fixed and your 'Trash' folder will be clear after 24 hours to help reduce the load loading on your profile.
  • Recommendation email - If you recommend a blog post / someone recommends your blog post a notification is received into your Inbox and you can link back to see what blog post was 'Recommended'

We are still working through some issues relating to viewing the site from different versions of Internet Explorer, some improvements to help facilitators of groups and notification/Inbox issues.

If there are aspects of the new website that you still find confusing, please leave a comment on the blog post to let us know. Other members may be able to help you, and we can put together additional Help and FAQ resources if there is a need for specific advice.

Note: To see our previous website updates, visit the Network News group -

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

If there are aspects of the new website that you still find confusing, please leave a comment on the blog post to let us know. Other members may be able to help you, and we can put together additional Help and FAQ resources if there is a need for specific advice.

Note: To see our previous website updates, visit the Network News group -

~ Wishing you all a lovely weekend

- See more at:

If there are aspects of the new website that you still find confusing, please leave a comment on the blog post to let us know. Other members may be able to help you, and we can put together additional Help and FAQ resources if there is a need for specific advice.

Note: To see our previous website updates, visit the Network News group -

~ Wishing you all a lovely weekend

- See more at:

If there are aspects of the new website that you still find confusing, please leave a comment on the blog post to let us know. Other members may be able to help you, and we can put together additional Help and FAQ resources if there is a need for specific advice.

Note: To see our previous website updates, visit the Network News group -

~ Wishing you all a lovely weekend

- See more at:


  • Dianne Radloff
    Dianne Radloff Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2015

    Hi Daina, I hope you have a great weekend as well, thank you for all the info, Dianne

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited July 2015

    Thanks Daina! I LOVE the notification in our inbox again!! Cheers Robyn xox

  • Loucobamd
    Loucobamd Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2015

    Hi Daina,

    Love the mailbox fix!!

    I would love to post a photo story of my breast recon but not sure how to go about it, could you point me in the right direction.

    if I create it in my blog can I add to it so it is one continuous item rather than segmented.

    i do not want it to be public only for members

    is it better to compress the photos so they are not so big to upload

    Is it possible to put a link to my blog in a general post then only the ladies that are interested can look at it without displaying it to the whole network

    Any help would be most appreciated

    Louise x


  • Vivienne Bearne
    Vivienne Bearne Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2015

    Hi Daina, I'm new to this wonderful site, I love all the info I'm getting and look forward to my inbox notifications. Thank you for being there with all your info and all those who are members.

    Cheers Vivienne  x

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited August 2015

    Hi Louise,

    I am just jumping in here in answer to this question.  I know you are a member of the breast reconstruction group.  If you post your photos and story in there we can tag them and add them to our growing collection of reconstruction stories. As this is a private group only the members of that group will see your pictures and they can't be picked up by anyone doing any sort of internet search.  I think if you post images in the main forum you may run the risk of them being able to be found by the general public (correct me if I am wrong Daina?).  Not sure if this is the information you are after. If not hopefully Daina can help you out.

    Good luck,

    Paula :)

    Here is the info on How to post in the breast reconstruction page.  I hope the link works as its to a PDF file.

  • Keryn
    Keryn Member Posts: 107
    edited August 2015

    Hi Daina,

    Im ssssssssoooooooo happy we can now delete! WOO!! This seems to be working Ok and I like the fact that the trash will be automatically emptied, this will definately free up space and speed up everything. Great work.