What the .... ?

Yes, we have all been soooooooooooooooooo patient waiting for BCNA to get their new system up and running.
Yes, they did get it compatible with Internet Explorer BUT ..... it has crashed again.
Yes, it WAS OK via Google Chrome BUT ..... it is sloooooooooooooow again.
What the heck has BCNA done ? They obviously have not used a competent organization OR the staff have no idea what they are doing.
Sorry, BCNA, but you have truly ruined a great support network.
I, like many others, do feel for ladies newly diagnosed and seeking support as the problems with this network are about over the top. No wonder ladies are giving up in disgust.
I, like many others, have been real supporters of BCNA but after so many problems we are running low on the support fuel. I know many ladies who will now not donate to the organization and that is such a shame.
To new ladies, PLEASE check all your folders (Inbox, Sent and Trash) as you may have unseen communications.
Keep trying as it WAS a great network.
Summer :-(
Hello Summer,it's hit and miss isn't it? However,at the moment,I am not having any troubles at all,and I run internet explorer.I was actually just thinking to myself yesterday that things seem to be settling down!!!!!I feel that you do a lot more on the site than me,as I only really read posts and respond:) Hang in there!! Cheers Robyn xox