Happy Mothers Day

Ann-Marie AK
Ann-Marie AK Member Posts: 166
edited May 2011 in General discussion


Day 7 after 1st FEC and I am feeling good!  I'm sitting up in bed surrounded by handmade cards and gifts from the Mother's Day stall.  My husband and kids have just gone out to buy what they need to cook up a storm for breakfast.  My kids made me a coffee before they left and it is drinkable (LOL).  What a great start to the day!  :)


I hope further treatments go this well.  I had 3 crappy days, and started to come good on Thursday.  Yesterday was great , I coached U9 netball - a difficult and frustrating job at the best of times - and we won.  Cheered on my 11 yr old during her netball match and then off to Chadstone for some retail therapy.


Not sure if the pizza for dinner was a good idea though - major tummy pains after that.


Dreading the shedding!!!


Keep Smiling

Ann-Marie xx


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    can't believe you did all that in one day!! and just after chemo!! I guess having young kids doesn't leave you alot of time to wallow in it. Have a great Mother's day,don't overdo it and don't go the pizza!

                                Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    can't believe you did all that in one day!! and just after chemo!! I guess having young kids doesn't leave you alot of time to wallow in it. Have a great Mother's day,don't overdo it and don't go the pizza!

                                Tonya xx

  • Maria333
    Maria333 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2015

    I could relate to the netball comments, I could almost picture you pacing up and down the field. Good to hear you are doing well - so far so good.

    I'm right behind you start my first chemo today.


  • Maria333
    Maria333 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2015

    I could relate to the netball comments, I could almost picture you pacing up and down the field. Good to hear you are doing well - so far so good.

    I'm right behind you start my first chemo today.


  • MandaMoo
    MandaMoo Member Posts: 500
    edited March 2015

    Good On You Ann- Marie!  Isn't it good to get out again - you feel normal even if just for a bit.  Here's to all treatments going so well.  

    I think you asked me about night hats in another post (I had a chemo last week so haven't been online much) - I do wear one - and I wear it around the house now it is so chilly.  I actually have a little polar fleece beanie that I bought for our trip to the US and Canada at Xmas time - didn't use it much then but wear it everyday now - apart from when my 4 year old decided it would be funny to hide it on me!  

    I hope you are still feeling good.  I did pizza yesterday - pity was I couldn't taste it!  I must schedule a Chaddy trip before my next treatment!

    Amanda xx