
Have just joined yesterday after suggestion from breast care nurse. Was diagnosed with high grade DCIS on 18th May and yes, it has been a roller coaster ride to deal with it all. Sad to say I'm still struggling to hang on!! Had lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy done on 25th May and while nodes showed no sign , don't have clear margins in lumpectomy so surgeon has supported me in going for a mastectomy which I am presently trying to come to grips with. The decision making is physically and emotionally draining! Have taken sick leave as my job is also stressful. Can't and don't want to try to deal with both. Any words of wisdom?? Not sure whether to schedule mastectomy asap or take a while to collect my emotions? Had a holiday previously booked before all this came up - cancel or take?? Would it benefit my frame of mind? I know these are decisions I need to make as I am the one who knows what I feel but any suggestions would be helpful to see all angles.