Filtering and finding content

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0

Afternoon all,

There's a couple of fixes within the online network that I wanted to share with you before I leave for the day.

- Links within notifications are now working - So, when you contribute in the online network e.g. create a blog post, comment on a blog post, a recommendation is made on your blog post etc. you will now receive a notification and within the notification the link back to the blog post or comment will work :-)  Why not read through some of the blog posts in the 'All posts page' area and test - make a few comments on someone's blog post or create a blog post yourself. 

- If you're a member of a an online group you will notice there's a new filter feature drop down list from the groups landing page. From this list, similar to the in the 'All posts page' within the online network you can now select a tag from a topic list and you will be taken to the blog posts related to that topic. The topic list is generated by the content within the group. For an example of this working, check out the 'Active and Well online group'

Have a play around, shot if you need a hand or contact Jess or I (Daina) via private message or comment to this blog post.

Catch up soon.


  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited 2015 19

    Does this mean that if we look in our messages, that where it says ' a comment has been made by someone,'that you can click on this notification and read the comment?I tried this but it was the same as before.Maybe I misunderstand your message.Cheers Robynxox

  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited 2015 19

    Hi Robyn

    I checked mine and it was only the last 2 (made after 3 today) that worked. Maybe it will work for this comment now for you?

    Deanne xxx

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited 2015 19

    Oh my gosh yes!!!!! Yay it works! Thanks Deanne for passing on that information.As far as I'm concerned,the blog is about back to normal:):):):)Come on ladies,lets get things back to how they were.Cheers xoxRobyn

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited 2015 19
    Terrific to see the tags working, makes it much easier to jump to topics of interest and hopefully help point others in the right direction for information :-) ) Jane xx
  • rivergum
    rivergum Member Posts: 133
    edited 2015 22

    Hi Daina

    The tag system is wonderful. 

    Can I ask how to edit my posts. I was wanting to remove an irrelevant tag and fix up a sentence. I can't see an edit button.



  • melp27
    melp27 Member Posts: 83
    edited 2015 25

    how do we delete messages in our inbox?? ive got alot and some i dont need in there but no delete button..