
Hi all - I'm a newbie here - have just been diagnosed with TNBC - struggling to get my head around it............I went to the GP about 6 weeks ago with a scratchy throat and some swollen glands - he ran some tests and ordered a chest x-ray - chest x-ray showed emphysema 'oh and btw you have a lump in your breast' - had a partial mastectomy 10 days ago - pathology came back triple negative grade 3 - next stop oncology..................feeling a little overwhelmed...........
Welcome to the online network:) Goodness,what a shock to find out that you have BC like this!! I didn't have triple negative,but I can tell you,that these days,BC is very treatable.After the initial shock,which we all go through,the best thing that you can do is try hard to take things one day at a time.Be guided by your doctors,as they are the ones that know your case the best.Try not to google too much,as there is SO MUCH wrong information out there.I was diagnosed 18 months ago.I have had a mastectomy amd chemo.I had my 18 month checkup yesterday,and my oncologist commented on how healthy I am looking.I feel really good,so remember,there is a great life after BC.Stay in touch on here for support and advice.CheersRobyn xox
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Hi Neanie, welcome to the best site on the net for support and advice. I am Triple Negative too, and there is a group of us on the site where you will find lots of information from others who have been right where you are now. We tnbc's are nearly always Grade 3 when we are diagnosed. I had chemo & radiation after surgery, and now it is 3 years later and I am feeling fit and healthy again. There is light at the end of the tunnel, Neanie - just take things one day at a time, and stay in touch with us all. Big hug. x Michelle
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Thanks Robyn - you are right about Google lol - so good to hear you are doing so well xxx0
Hi Michelle - I have been trying to get on triple negative group page - but it keeps telling me it's broken - I'll keep trying tho - so good to hear you are doing so well - I so need to hear that the tunnel does have a light at the end - right now it just seems a little too long and dark for my liking lol - thanks ladies for the welcome and the support xxx0
I was diagnosed New Years Eve so feeling quite overwhelmed myself. I can understand the heaviness. Once you get into your treatment it will be a little easier but I think the advice given about taking each day as it comes is very valuable! Sounds like you have had a lot going on, I really feel for you!
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Thanks Jay - so luvly that you recognise that - this is why this site is so valuable - those around us try and while their efforts are appreciated they just don't get that - yes it is heavy xxxx and thankyou - I think once I have a direction I will feel so much better - it is the not knowing what is to come and what to expect that is so hard - good luck in your journey - I hope to keep in touch xxx0
Hi, yes like the girls say it's always a shock, I think for a while you almost go around in a haze, everything imaginable goes through the brain while waiting. It seems once you get your plan it's like you have some type of control and something just clicks and you say I'm gonna beat this the best I can, even when you have the bad days. I'm 3 years in June and you do get there. Adean xx
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Thanks Adean - yes I said that to my gp yesterday 'I'm a planner and right now I don't have a plan - and I really need to plan this' - re the haze - yep.........noticed a light on on my dash today.........................just kept drawing my attention but didn't really register until just after I entered the gridlocked carpark that it was the fuel light lol0
Love the support and realness I finding here xxx0