Moderation of the community

Marianne_BCNA Member Posts: 245
edited February 2018 in General discussion
Hi all, given recent posts I think it is important as a moderator and manager of the online network that I make comment about the disrespect that has been evident on the network lately and the role of the BCNA moderators. We are always mindful that this is your community and as such we want you to self moderate as much as possible and only step in when necessary. It has become more necessary of late however to step in more and as such it has been difficult to strike a balance between allowing self expression and ensuring our community is a safe and supportive place for all members. We are getting mixed feedback at present from members for removing posts and not removing posts so I think it is important that I clarify how we will manage the moderating of posts moving forward. We will continue to remove any posts that we deem disrespectful, abusive or offensive towards others and will private message the relevant person to advise them of what we have removed and why. This is regardless of whether they have swearing in them or not as posts can be just as abusive or disrespectful without foul language. 
In regards to the use of language, most of you have stated that you are comfortable with language. Additionally, when we consulted a group of members last year about managing language on the network, the consenses was to leave the moderating to the community and only step in if needed. However, there are still a large number of people on the network who aren’t comfortable with language and their views are just as important. I am also concerned that the level of language is being talked about outside the community and may impact on new members joining at a time when they most need support. We will therefore also more carefully moderate language that is deemed to be gratuitously offensive as per the guidelines.  
We also ask that every member takes responsibility for self-moderating their own posts ie asking yourself if your post is disrespectful towards another member or likely to cause offence before posting. This will assist us in getting what is primarily a wonderful community for those impacted by breast cancer back on track. We need to protect and nurture this vibrant community as it is such an important part of so many peoples’ lives. I therefore ask for all your assistance with this. We may not always get it right with moderating as we are trying to accommodate so many different views so please let us know if we miss posts and be understanding if we remove a post of yours and you don’t agree. We are always happy to discuss this.
Thank you for you cooperation.



  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Well said as always @zoffiel. Margie.  Xx
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,960
    I wouldn't be the moderator for quids @Marianne_BCNA - I don't envy you the responsibility.  If language or sentiment is not my thing I skip over it.  The only thing that I wouldn't want to see tolerated is bullying or similar.  We're all here from different backgrounds and ages for the same reason.  Let's get along.  
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    I'm flabbergasted by this discussion about moderation.
    I've seen nothing but love and support on this forum with a good dose of humour thrown in.
    I had no idea that some people's posts have been removed. I thought we could say anything? 
    Swear words are used by children, just part of their vocabulary. I even want to read bad advice. Someone will step in to clarify.
    And as for bullying, bring it on I say, just like bad advice.  
    I hate the idea of any censorship whatsoever.
  • Marianne_BCNA
    Marianne_BCNA Member Posts: 245
    Hi @PatsyN, I appreciate your thoughts on moderation but as per the community guidelines, the aim of moderation is not censorship, but to ensure that the online network meets its legal responsibilities and remains a safe and friendly space for all Australians affected by breast cancer and this does require at times (fortunately rarely) for us to remove or edit posts. We will not tolerate threatening or bullying behaviour in any form. Fortunately, the community is by far a loving and supportive and definitely humorous network and with the help of all our members it will remain this way. 

  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    @Beryl C.
    Yeah, let's name and shame. Out them all, those rotten bullies.
    I have a masters in online bully defense.
    I've never needed to use those credentials on BCNA but if anyone needs assistance with how to respond to a bully then I'm ya gal. It's all done with words, lol.