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Mom's Second Diagnosis of Stage 4 Breast Cancer

Over the past week, my mom and I have been running around frantically catching all the necessary appointments to get the set game plan of how we are going to treat this cancer. For a bit of a back story on my mom;

She is 46 years old, has been living with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome for the past 9 years of her life and has defeated her first round of breast cancer last year. Because of the CRPS, I am her full time care taker at home (I'm 19 years old), and her teeth have decayed to the point where she now has to get them all extracted & replaced with dentures (takes 6months). 

Now we have been given a VERY grime outlook on what this cancer is doing to her and basically that the only plan they have as of this moment is to start chemo and continue with the chemo until the chemo doesnt work anymore. That's it.

I'm 19 years old, I only have my mother as of right now. No close friends, no close family. Just my mom. I am putting out every possible feeler to everybody and anything that could help us right now!! She's not working and obviously I am not able to work for the both of us while taking care of my mother through this chemo. 

Point of all this; I am young and unaware of almost everything so I'm asking people who know, WHERE CAN WE GET SOME HELP!?!?! Any benefits, any support, any form of help at this point is appreciated. Please and thank you!!!