Newly Diagnosed

jussylee Member Posts: 20
edited November 2016 in Newly diagnosed

Hi All

I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer in my right breast, a large 5cm tumour! Im going to have Chemo to shrink the tumour (18 Weeks) then removal of my breast. The past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind of tests, Doctor appointments and so much information I cant process it all. I start Chemo this Thursday and I have never been so scared in all my life! I still don't undestand all the terminology of this hideous disease. Any advice greatly appreciated



  • SueVR
    SueVR Member Posts: 41
    edited March 2015

    As the other Ladies said you are not alone, even though there is so much happening to you at the moment.

    I too had my chemo before surgery to shrink the turmors.  I had 9 ranging in size from 2cm to 5cm.  The chemo did the job and when I had my surgery their was no tumors found.  I am not sure what type of Breast Cancer you have - there are different sorts depending on the hormone receptors in the tumor.  Mine was triple negative, which means non hormonal, the good news was that triple negative is very receptive to chemotherapy.

    Good luck with everything.  Sue

  • jussylee
    jussylee Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2015

    Thanks so much Hazel. Im also doing  18weeks  a treatment every 21 days. As i havent had anyone close to me recieve chemo I have no idea what to expect (Only what Ive seen on TV) your reply has made me feel less anxious

    Justine xx

  • jussylee
    jussylee Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2015

    Hi Chris

    My treatment is for 18 weeks, once every 21 days. I start this Thursday 13th. I have my husband, my beautiful sister and best friend who have taken turns a being by my side at all tests, appointments and finding out results,

    its nice to know there is so much support

    Justine xx

  • jussylee
    jussylee Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sue

    My Breast Care Nurse and best friend share your name.

    Im so happy that things are good for you. I was getting worried because i had mostly read that tumors were removed first then followed by Chemo. So its nice to hear from someone that has experienced what Im about to go through.

    Thanks you

    Justine xx

  • jussylee
    jussylee Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sue

    My Breast Care Nurse and best friend share your name.

    Im so happy that things are good for you. I was getting worried because i had mostly read that tumors were removed first then followed by Chemo. So its nice to hear from someone that has experienced what Im about to go through.

    Thanks you

    Justine xx

  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Welcome to the site, I hope you find the support you need here.

    Starting chemo is scary, I remember on my 1st day I was a nervous wreck, they had to give me something to calm me down! I am sure its normal that we all feel that way, its the great unknown for us and there are such horrible stories around.

    It isn't pleasant but its doable, there are plenty of meds for the nausea and some tips, have the address of a 24 hour chemist just in case, have something you like to drink handy as you have to keep yourself well and truely hydrated.

    Good luck and keep in touch.



  • Tink
    Tink Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2015

    Hi Justine

    I was so scared on my first day of chemo I thought I was going to be sick and then I realised the process wasn't scary at all.  I had built it up in my mind to be something it wasn't, and part of that was ignorance of the whole thing.  I have found that any nurses associated with breast or any type of cancer are just wonderful and so caring.  My chemo nurses are always joking and chatting and they make the whole thing bearable.  In fact, the day ward is like a little social club!  Everyone knows each other and we all discuss how we are going in our treatments.  Chemo does affect every differently, and while someone may have particular side effects, another person may not.  I am halfway through my cycle of 6 treatments and yes, the effects do accumulate.  The best advice which everyone has said is to stay positive and accept any help which is offered to you!!

    Stay strong

    Tink xx

  • Annedipa
    Annedipa Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2015
    I am also having chemo first to shrink my tumor. I just had my 3rd 3weekly round last week. the first time is difficult because no matter what people tell you you dont really know what to expect until you've been there. meds and the doctors and breast care nurses are there to help, as are the lovely ladies on this site. all have plenty of tips to help manage the side effects. After a week I feel ok and by the next week I am feeling like 'I got this' and then the cycle starts again. on the plus side I can feel the lumps getting smaller. best of luck, take care and stay positive
    hugs Anne